Is Africa a shining example of the world we want The answer is NO. If Nkrumah , Jomo Kenyatta , Nyerere , Haile Selassie , Mugabe , Ahmed Sékou Touré , Gamal Abdel Nasser Nasser , Obote , Amílcar Cabral , Nelson Mandera , Patrice Lumumba, Gadaffi , Samora Machel and others woke up from the dead and saw what was happening across Africa , what do you think they would say ?
The truth is that the current AU ,has killed the founding fathers twice! Africa is at crossroads today . There is no time in the history of AU that this continent of Africa was captured by a FOREIGN -NON STATE like it is now now . Africa has sold its rights to external NO-AFRICAN STATE.
The events at the African Union are worrying , the corruption at the AU Headquarters is rampant , the nepotism at AU Headquarters is at the highest, the molestation of women at the AUC , the tag of sex for jobs stinks, the infighting among the AUC is worse than terrorism , the management at the AUC is dead and walking dead .Dr.Mahamat Faki is one leg in the grave and one in France .AFRICA is captured .
The state of AU affairs must be discussed Frankly without fear or coercion. There is is no need of slogans when people are dying and when conflicts are multiplying on daily basis . We have boldly stated in the last 2 years that AU needs serious reforms and new direction but Alas there are no people to help us on this . There are no better words to describe the current status of AUC.Things have fallen apart. The France have divided us from North to South .East to West .
African leaders must rescue this organization and stop sugarcoating it . Revolutionaries like us have no room for sugar coating and we stand by our words . Whether in Addis Ababa or anywhere in Africa , we shall repeat the same words . We in Pan African Forum Ltd have no kind words for the current state of affairs of AU .
AUC affairs stink , they degrade our African human caliber , it annoys for us to be SOLD to non state power “for personal handouts” and this non-state power decides what to do , how to do do it and where to be done in Africa?
Take a cursory look at the conflicts in Africa starting from Cameroon , Biafra, Nigeria , Libya , Mali , Somali , the old one of the CAR where there are Hallmarks of that one Non -Party State FRANCE. What have we done since we killed President Gadaffi?
What has AU done to silence guns in Libya ? They have joined the killing of the Libyan nation by allowing external forces to gather on the African continent and this is fine officially by Dr. Mahamat Faki who is always in Paris and Ankara or UAE or Qatar cutting deals with the leadership of those merchants of conflicts . We killed Libya by listening to FRANCE and today we have continued killing it . Is this not a shame to Africa ?
Today in Ambazonia there are more people killed by President Paul Biya that the COVID -19 combined death figures of Africa . The suffering in the last 4 years for the People of Ambazonia cannot be ignored any longer as we celebrate the 57th anniversary of OAU -AU. No efforts have been done to mediate in the conflict of Cameroon and yet we continue praising Paul Biya .
The situation in Nigeria a giant without the muscle in Africa worries us as Pan African Forum Ltd that we wonder whether the AUC Chairperson is on mission to destroy the people if Biafra. Doesn’t AU see what is happening in Nigeria? Doesn’t AU receive reports of human rights abuses in Nigeria against Biafrans ? What action has AU taken to reprimand President Mohamed Buhari ?
There are many other conflicts in Africa that have not been resolved but for the sake of time we shall leave it for another time .What stands out now is the war against COVID -19 which must fight to save our people . Africa got the message late but we are impressed at the speed that we have stood by our people.
In summary the entire Africa must stand up and face the leadership of Dr. Mahamat Faki and ask them as to why they have sold us to NON-AFRICA STATES ?What has Africa achieved under the leadership of the Mahamat Faki in the last 4 years of tears ? What lessons has Africa learnt from his leadership ? What can we do to change the direction of Africa ?
In conclusion , we must RECAPTURE AU from NON -AFRICAN POWERS that have caused wars in Cameroon , Biafra , Libya , Somalia ,South Sudan and now Mozambique . The time to do it now and the time to stand to be counted is now. If we don’t do it now then we would have killed the FOUNDING FATHERS of OAU which is now AU twice .
God bless Africa
Dr.David Nyekorach -Matsanga
Tel: +447930901252
Tel: +254723312564
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