- 1. Pan African Forum independent observers on the ground in Zimbabwe have reported that stakes are high in Zimbabwe elections to extent that the French have now openly shown their support to Morgan Tsvangirai. There is peace and tranquility in Zimbabwe today as the campaigns comes to an end. The patriotic and resilient people of Zimbabwe will come out tomorrow to renew President Mugabe’s liberation credentials. The entire Pan African Forum and its membership all over the world will be there to support the people of Zimbabwe and President Mugabe on this journey.
- 2. Pan African Forum independent observers have has come across documents indicating the political underhand of the French strategists who were dispatched to help Morgan Tsvangirai to win the tomorrows elections. Bell Pottinger and other mercenary groups that have been funding and advising Morgan Tsvangirai on how to win an election have gone to plan B which is an uprising.
- 3. Pan African Forum can proudly state that that MDC- T has been working together with French officials in Harare to prepare the minds of the people of Zimbabwe for the rejection of the vote. Morgan Tsvangirai has now realized that he is going to lose this election and has started his cry baby tactics that have brought misery to Zimbabwe. The early rejection of ZEC and other institutions that were mandated to conduct an elections is immoral and repugnant.
- 4. Pan African Forum warns the people of Zimbabwe to be very careful about some Television stations that have been paid by the French mercenaries to create violence so as to discredit Zimbabwe elections. These same TV stations have caused the misery we see in Egypt. In particular Zimbabweans must be very careful about Al-Jazeera same regime change machine that sparked violence in Kenya in 2007-2008.
- 5. Pan African Forum notes with displeasure that the biased type of reporting by journalists from Al- Jazeera and South African TV stations that have employed Zimbabweans who hate President Mugabe will spark violence if not curtailed now. The e- news reporters based in Harare are adding and speculating on the outcome which makes it very dangerous for Zimbabwean people to vote freely. We see the same trend with the same journalists who invented vote rigging slogans that brought Kenya to bloodbath doing it again in Harare.
- 6. Pan African Forum notes that already those who wanted Obasanjo as an Observer must be regretting as he has started waffling on the election before it takes off. It is on record that prior to Obasanjo going to Zimbabwe he had a short stint in Paris to be briefed about regime change tactics of the French.
- 7. Pan Africa Forum observers in Botswana are also on the lookout for USA movements and monitoring the security systems of USA who have been busy covering the elections using the Votewatch263.org. servers that are placed in Francistown across the border with Zimbabwe. Our gallant sons of Africa are also dotted across the entire region of Southern Africa that borders Zimbabwe in an effort protect our African hero and watch the next moves of the MDC- T and its western allies. Pan African Forum has received death threats from many malcontents that have molested the people of Zimbabwe but we shall not be cowed by traitors.
God bless Zimbabwe.
Dr. David Nyekorach – Matsanga.
Chairman /CEO
Pan African Forum Ltd & Africa world Media Ltd
Surrey England
[email protected]
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