My dear friends, followers and haters alike on face book (FB) and twitter; friends in Kenya; the world over, my family, and all well-meaning persons in Kenya who have supported me throughout the arduous ICC journey. It is now clear that Moses Kuria and David Matsanga have been put on trial and sentenced by media on (JKL KTN) without our own defence on the matter and right of reply as it is the case of good journalism in any organized state like Kenya.
I wish to, by this statement, shed a bit of light and put things in perspective as relates the entirely spurious allegations appearing in various sections of the electronic, print and social media in recent days and that which was arranged by enemies of Matsanga because of my stance against ICC on the Kenyan cases.
There are those calling for my blood on FB no doubt buoyed by a fake recording produced and edited by my enemies and detractors solely due to my unequivocal and unyielding stance on the Kenyan cases at the ICC.
That will not break my heart; I will still fight ICC to expose the flawed and faked evidence collected by the same zygotes that want to destroy me today. Why I will not relent? Is because apart from President Uhuru Kenyatta, Deputy President William Ruto and Arap Sang, I am the only other East African person who has gone to Appeal Chamber 5 to challenge the Kenyan flawed ICC cases in court in The Hague.
The rest of Africans and East Africans speak in pork and beer joints of Nairobi and elsewhere in Africa without assisting the suspects in anyway. Therefore I have no regrets as a volunteer who tried to help my African brothers on flawed cases. There are those who hate me even when I have put my life on the chopping board, and there those who want to earn credit on what they didn’t do on these cases but in both situations I leave it to the Judgment of the Kenyan people who will give verdict.
Time is coming soon when I will leave this subject of ICC with pride and dignity as a Ugandan and Pan African brother who stood by the wrong ICC suspects, victims and for Kenyan state at the hour of need when the country needed peace and justice through a fair trial not a fake trial like the one going on in The Hague.
For the interest of public opinion let me shed light on the sadist media allegations of Robert Alai. I thank all those who helped me on this journey and have a nice Easter holidays.
God bless you all.
- It is instructive to note that we are in Lent. A time when scheming Pharisees bayed for Jesus blood accusing him of all manner of ills and troubles; real and imagined, then plaguing their existence and part of the world.
In Kenya today, we have self-seeking, attention-craving wanna-be regime changers like Robert Alai and other NGOs who crowded the Intercontinental hotel last night to turn the heat up on Matsanga on faked tape and crucify him at this period of Lent!
No doubt at the behest of their paymasters who I have, over time, exposed for what they truly are; ill-concealed conduits of neo-imperialism and unapologetic ICC surrogates like Alai and Kenyan NGOs that want the blood of President Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto and Arap Sang.
The extensive network of plotters running all the way from New York, the Netherlands and Kenya and which comprises of the likes of Dr. Kofi Annan, Makau Mutua, Ocampo, Salim Lone, Ruth Odinga and a certain senior Kenyan politician; who unsuccessfully attempted to capture power in successive national elections, have in their latest installment of nefarious and malicious machinations designed, orchestrated and now seek to perpetrate a tired and thinly veiled scheme to silence Matsanga.
By so doing, hoping to then finish their strategy of jailing the Kenyan ICC suspects without the pesky hindrance and petulant inconvenience that has been Matsanga.
- The scheme is more intricate and insidious than the run of the mill kind often engineered by, what I have come to learn is, the habitual blackmailer Mr. Alai; a fellow whose face I have never be-held across a room in my entire life. Until I saw him on KTN JKL.
If only a reasonable person were to have sight of the kind of vitriol Alai has spewed on FB touching on the Hon. Isaac Mwaura, due to the singular fact that Hon. Mwaura’s is an ethnic Kikuyu, one would know well to entirely disassociate oneself with and avoid any kind of contact or fall-out with an individual so depraved that the only culture he knows and shows fidelity to is one of the vilest form of blackmail.
If not for money as is often the case, then as a lethal tool in the sort of puppet politics which constrained Prof. Anyang Nyong’o to severely reprimand Alai in Kisumu in full public glare.
Whereas I am therefore not one to willingly invite his ire or mutated attention, I am neither Alai’s first quarry nor am I the last to be on the receiving end of this ubiquitous blogger’s blackmail.
The deliberately engineered, edited and doctored audio recording disseminated through Sound Clouds ICT methods has been doing the rounds on social media (FB and Twitter) for days now and has inevitably been picked up and appropriated wholesale by a section of the yellow press specifically Kenya Today (Agents of the French Intelligence on ICC hosted in Rotterdam Netherlands) and by Kenyan NGOs bankrolled by one George Soros (Open Society Foundation) - who has poured copious sums of money into the country with a view to fomenting a regime change through the back door.
I am well alive to the fact that the tired plotters will stop at nothing to neutralize friends of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Government with the hope to then jail the accused at the Hague trials with no-one to out their schemes or otherwise raise protest. I have been a festering thorn in their side that is best removed. By any means possible!
- The said entities and individuals in Kenya have but one thing in common- an enduring ambition and intent to create conditions for a North African-style revolution in Kenya thanks to funding through an Al-Qaeda leaning Embassy situated in Nairobi.
A conduit for the channeling of funds to fan the activities of opposition bloggers such as Alai and the allied.
Opposition firebrands, terrorist cells in Kenya as well as some NGO sycophants frequent this embassy to collect money to destabilize the government of Kenya.
I am not one of those who will betray my friends in Kenya but Kenyans must know that there is a truly a huge underground plan to destabilize the government from moribund and senile political opportunists who have, over time, run into persistent ill luck and appear to only ever elicit disfavor; even from God.
- I have no regrets for standing up to the ICC matters in Africa.
I will voice the same considered and un-wavering sentiments whether in Kenya or wherever else the doggedly determined NGOs and Alais of this world wish to see me taken. I however must, in all fairness, warn those hell-bent on rattling me to be extremely wary.
As sure as I am my mother’s son, I will most surely turn the tables on all the liars and sycophants in the NGO world and their minders who now bay for my innocent blood. My revelations as relates the methods employed by the so- called “SAINTS” in Kenyan politics will leave the ground they stand on shattered for all times and purposes.
- Make no mistake about it; I am exercising extreme restraint in view of legal considerations and the ramifications which no doubt attend these extremely serious but entirely unfounded allegations.
I reiterate that I have only read about Robert Alai in Kenyan Newspapers and saw him on TV on 16th April 2014, hardly know who he is; having never once crossed paths with him or otherwise come by anything that would occasion me to have any personal interest in him of any kind.
I supply this clarification solely for the international and local public so that people may have a glimpse of the backdrop, mood and deleterious machination and intent of what is now being witnessed.
- Again, I say that the incongruity of it all is compounded by the fact that I have no clue who this so-called Mr. Robert Alai, the man “I am being accused of plotting to kill” is. Never having interacted with him at any one time.
As befuddled as I may be, I am advised and take the deliberate option to let the law take its course as regards the faked and edited audio clips in question. As such, I will desist from commenting on the contents thereof in any manner save as and if required to so do under international and/or Kenyan law.
- I nevertheless must say that I find it incredibly saddening and unfortunate that some Kenyans should entirely have no gratitude. They have turned on me with relish, eating my name daily in their writings on the ICC matter which trial I have keenly followed and commented on since the faked ‘envelope list’ dating back to 2008.
6(six) years ago, the same men and women now blood-thirstily hunting for Matsanga sat down and with extreme prejudice selected a list of “the Kenya 6 ICC suspects” among them H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta, his Deputy H.E William Ruto and the former radio presenter Mr. Joshua Arap Sang.
Today, just when the ill-contrived ICC cases are about to collapse, they now resurface to divert Kenyans’ and Pan Africans’ attention and discourse to ill-contrived side-shows such as the purported “plot to kill Alai” allegedly undertaken by amongst others; Matsanga! God forbid.
- All this coming after these imperial surrogates become aware that the ICC cases them so heavily relied on to do their dirt did not achieve their sole objective of stopping President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto from ascending to the top leadership of in this blessed country.
Having so miserably failed with the original Sin of deliberately sending the wrong suspects to the ICC they have “now regrouped and hatched a plot to victimize Matsanga who has boldly and unfailingly stood by the wrongly accused suspects since 2008”.
- The same NGOs now baying for my blood in Kenya through the cleverly construed “Mr. Robert Alai media strategy” are the ones that want President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto jailed at The Hague by hook or crook.
Thankfully, I have sufficient evidence to show to the entire world just how Raila Odinga’s close relatives are linked to Fatou Bensouda’s strategy of jailing at least one Kenyan come what may.
Just as with Judas, the said family connection and scheme shall be exposed to the world in coming weeks when a senior politician from Kenya takes “the stand in a darkened room” to give evidence in Europe’s ‘Guantanamo Bay’ at The Hague.
- In one of my favorite speeches delivered by former US President Theodore Roosevelt on 4th April, 1906 there is this small caption that has always had me enthralled,
“The liar is no whit better than the thief, and if his mendacity takes the form of slander he may be worse than most thieves.”
It puts a premium upon knavery to untruthfully (and callously) attack an honest man, or even with hysterical exaggeration to assail a bad man with untruth. An epidemic of indiscriminate assault upon character does no good, but very great harm. The soul of every scoundrel is gladdened whenever an honest man is assailed, or even when a scoundrel is untruthfully assailed!”
- As in those immortal words of the late President Roosevelt exemplified, unfair it is when honesty and altruism is fervently assaulted by people who are either attention whores or perverts such as are some Kenyan NGOs who pervaded mischief most cruel on the ICC cases by selecting their suspects of choice and to as a result draw profit from the exercise without the knowledge of Kenyans.
Thankfully, I have however never known evil to triumph over good and if ever it did, then it’s but ephemeral.
The plain and simple truth being that I never, by any stretch of the imagination, plotted to kill Mr. Alai and never will I have part in any such plot as he is utterly of no interest to me... I cannot over-emphasize that fact!
- It is now time to separate the wheat of reason, truth and fact from the chaff of illogic and brazen opportunism that has been exhibited by certain sections of the Kenyan Civil Society headed or otherwise egged on by people of Robert Alai’s ilk.
People who have liberally and shamelessly dyed every street of Nairobi with the garbage of falsehood.
- Just when I thought I was done and dusted with Kenyan NGOs out to claw dusts of “profit” from my hard earned reputation resulting from my ferocious unyielding fights against the ICC neo-imperialism and quest for a better, unfettered mother Africa…which journey has indeed been a laborious, nerve-wracking, often times thankless and onerous one; even to the extent of almost giving up, this insufferably nonsensical buffoonery rears its ugly head.
By the grace of God, it is in such dark, nasty moments that rays of the morning sun have vanquished the dark clouds of despair, regression & pessimism bringing forth bundles of joy and success to me; Matsanga. I have faced similar unfounded charges before and God has unfailingly, as He will again now, seen me through unscathed.
- I must however admit that it was most aggravating to have woken up to another sludge of voodoo allegations from yet another blogger; whose name sounds like a third grade pig meal manufactured in the back streets of Kandahar, Afghanistan claiming that I Matsanga and one Moses Kuria were plotting to kill him.
Why on earth and what for? I wondered incessantly without finding any answer.
Even just for hypothetical purposes, targeting such an inconsequential urchin with primitive energy would be a grave sin against my conscience, very being and religious scruples.
- As a statesman of no mean repute, blessed with an intellect par excellence, I elect not to react until the said malicious claims are substantiated with hard evidence.
I have listened to a now viral recording on social media purporting to carry my voice allegedly hatching the claimed nefarious plan—suffice it to say that absent in that poorly ‘made in Kariobangi’ conspiracy production however is the so called unimpeachable evidence linking me to the claimed evil plot even by a loose strand of cobweb.
- Growing up in the village, my class 4 teacher often thrilled us with the apocryphal story of a village champion who dared a pig to a wrestling match; the result of the ill-contrived duel being that the pig dragged the erstwhile celebrated champion through the mud and beat him with its primitive experience.
The moral of the story being that whether the village champion eventually won or lost, he still lost miserably because the pig thoroughly enjoyed every bit of bathing in the murky sludge- that is Alai and NGOs in Kenya for you!
- I refuse to and will not bath in folly as did the said village champion. No Siree! I instead choose to ignore these weird, misplaced and entirely far-fetched allegations. To dwell on or deny the same will pointlessly add the oxygen of publicity to the malfeasance that is the claim so wantonly put out.
Rather, I openly challenge the so called blogger to seek legal redress rather than engage in these empty FB gung-ho battle cries which, to put it mildly, border on madness and the utterly ludicrous.
I take this opportunity to urge all right thinking Kenyans to also give such pedestrian grapevine pieces a mighty heave-ho. really, why should one man in Kenya cry of being killed by every high ranking person who differs with his views on Raila Amollo Odinga’s presidential ambitions?
- My conscience is crystal clear.
When a rabid dog barks at you, it is injudicious to snarl or talk back at it.
If need be, I shall talk to Alai’s paymasters who I know are busy funding and emboldening him to work for their regime change agenda albeit through underhanded and entirely culpable means.
The so called blogger is but a pawn in a wider chessboard replete with my enemies and enemies of Africa bent on tarnishing my good name especially in light of my heavy and undeniable blows for Kenya and successes in the ICC cases as against the Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda; a great friend of the leader of the blogger in question.
It is trite that success attracts a flood of envy and an avalanche of jealousy.
This is but one instance of detractors who having suffered repeat black-eyes at every turn on the ICC trials are now attempting to pay me back in their specially minted coin. Tragedy being that Matsanga is not buying!
As God is my witness and protector, they shall not prevail.
- As earlier mentioned and as you all know, this is a week of lent.
It reminds me of an incident in Mark 5:25-29 when a woman who had long suffered most embarrassing and debilitating bleeding for a good twelve years touched a hem of Jesus garment and got healed. Believing.
Imports of this moving story may now be perfectly juxtaposed to the manner in which nondescripts and anemic attention cravers are feigning to talk to me or are coining conspiracy theories of how I plotted to kill a blogger which cheap allegations only exist in the figment of their fertile imaginations. All so that a neophyte may enjoy 15 minutes of fame through Osmosis or possibly a rub off effect as it were…at Matsanga’s expense.
In as much as I have no problem with such, I always crave and have urged honesty, fidelity to facts, sincerity and correct reporting. Some of these barrages of reckless yellow reportage have visited untold and irreparable trauma and misery upon my family on my public persona and name.
- As an accomplished conflict resolution expert, I have been through a long torturous journey in my bid to change perceptions about Africa. Right from my fights to free Zimbabwe from the pernicious yokes of sanctions. In the process battling; in a seeming legal mortal combat, with the EU through the European courts of justice till we bagged sweet victory.
- Then came the Northern Uganda peace talks and today my Acholi and Lango brethren can breathe a sigh of relief as they slowly piece their lives together. Able to retire to bed without nightmares of an all too likely LRA raid or the resultant debilitating displacements.
- Then the dicey Kenyan case at the ICC; what I saw as a new colonial affront to Africa and the results of my battles with both Ocampo and his successor Bensouda since are well documented for all to review—the jury is still out on the outcome of the balance of the battle.
- Through all the said bruising battles, i would have been remiss to not ignore the barrage of vicious attacks, insults and innuendo I have often encountered and lived through. Attacks from skeptics and certified haters who repeatedly have redefined loathing by hating even that which is conventionally good and noble.
Today, the majority of my erstwhile extremely blood thirsty critics have turned fervent converts of my peace and dignity message.
As well as ardent followers of my tireless restorative justice gospel.
- All thanks and glory is to God for the thick skin He has blessed me with. And for the unflinching faith and constancy of purpose.
I must say that I am gratified, eternally grateful and feel self fulfilled that a majority of Kenyans have demonstrated an understanding and appreciation for my position on the ICC. As well as my stand on various issues affecting Mama Africa—
I most sincerely thank you!
Your encouragement is the fuel that keeps me going and I will never give up whether in Kenya or in my home in the UK where I have lived for a good 27 years. It is a pity that my investigative journalism that exposed the ICC flaws has not been rewarded by some Kenyans and that I have often been left to cry and trudge alone on this arduous journey.
There is however nothing that will bend my spirit or otherwise blunt my resolve. I again will prove to the world, in the near future that I was right on the ICC which, being solely driven by ulterior motivations/considerations, has so undeservedly haunted this great and beloved nation of Kenya.
Dr. David Nyekorach- Matsanga.

Email: - [email protected]
Chairman / CEO
+447930901252 London
+254723312564 – Kenya
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