If Prof Makau Mutua lacks better ways of wasting his time, let him use his tongue to count his teeth. (By Dr. David Nyekorach- Matsanga)
Dear Sunday Editorial of the Standard Newspaper,
- I read the Sunday Standard editions and articles of 27th April 2014, 4th May 2014 and 11TH May 2014 written by columnist Prof. Makau Mutua, I had to make a trip to Kitui to actually establish if Prof. Makau is a name indeed given to a warrior of Kamba land. Needless to mention many warriors in time whose acts bent the arcs of history, ironically, others were engaged in foolish errands and history is replete of such; pyrrhic fights whose ‘victory’ were ephemeral and left them more brutalized and bloodied wondering whether the bane was in the size of the fight in the dog, the size of the dog in fight, mere strategic brightness. Since President Uhuru Kenyatta and Jubilee government have no” political spin doctor” to answer this mouthful and vengeful sellout called Makau Mutau , I have volunteered from today on this public “WEEKLY HIT HARD PAGE” of Face book and Twitter to defend Africa and Kenya from such a Malaise.
- As from my point of view, the pitch, tone and form of Makau’s articles; one thing was salient-His pride has been wounded, his wax wings have melted and now the oceans of shame on ICC fake matter have swallowed him into the rut. His bitterness should by now have prodded Chicago authorities to place this learned ruffian turned paper mercenary on suicide watch list. But Kenyans must be reminded that Prof. Makau Mutua in his weekly rants against Kenya and President Uhuru Kenyatta government has one sole aim -To cause regime change in Kenya that happened in Egypt and Tunisia.
- There is a group of very senior international operators based in USA New York that sits on daily basis to plan how to distablize Kenya. This group is headed by international sadist that sodden the valleys of Africa Dr. Kofi Annan and includes the likes of Luis Moreno Ocampo, Mr. Salim Lone, Prof. Jacqueline Klopp, and Prof. Alex Whitting joined by a well-known Kenyan on board to create mayhem in this country. Prof Makau Mutua’s continuous stay on the odium path is turning him into a sclerotic fascist, extremist blinded by an ideology whose chocking fumes may soon juxtapose him to Al- Shabaab, Mungiki, Boko Haram or even Islamists in Syria.
- I ask myself as an African scholar, was Makau that pregnant with desperations and expectations to have the ICC suspects in Kenya barred from contesting irrespective of Articles 50(2) (a) of the Kenyan constitution read along the Rome statute Article 66(1)? Then have them jailed? What for? Whose interest did Prof. Makau Mutua piously defend even when it was axiomatic that his train of thought had derailed from basic truism like: (1). Leaders from the two major warring communities of Kalenjin and Gikuyu sorted their differences resolving to work together in Jubilee coalition and using their supremacy of numbers to win elections. (2).Through a government program most affected families had been compensated, repatriated back to their homes or settled elsewhere in a restorative justice similar to the concept of ‘indaba’ tempered with Ubuntu. (3). That Kenyans had moved on and peeling back these wounds was the last thing the nation wanted at this juncture of healing.
- For now the forlorn man (Prof. Makau Mutua) who spent the last four years parlaying his resume in Washington, ICC Corridors and Brussels gloating about ‘supposed sanctions’ bla bla bla in a moonship to plant pessimism, schisms and skew the political landscape against others—his boomeranged prayers must have reached the sky and not heaven, just like the 450 Baal prophets in the bible who shouted from morning to evening to no avail or maybe Makau’s god was in the missing Malaysian plane.
- His apocalyptic sermons have since lost taste even to the incredulous constituency of CORD supporters the message was augmented for. Kenyans and indeed Africans are tied of people who sit in Washington or New York and imagine assassination plots, and other detentions of others in ICC. Tyranny of hubris must have gotten him next to the sun blocking his senses even from the counsel of yore—when the beat change, the dance changes. Prof Makau Mutua changes with the imperial tune.
- Interesting is how he puts it that President Uhuru Kenyatta arm-twisted the Western nations into a rapprochement vide shifting his strategic alliances to China and the East. This provides unimpeachable evidence that the Prof is obviously psychotic—for crying out loud; who doesn’t carry a begging bowl to Beijing? Britain, France, America, Australia etc are all coating China’s new found monies—why this hypocrisy and selective amnesia by a Pharisee Makau when its Kenya’s turn? It is a pity that President Uhuru Kenyatta lacks “a spin doctor” in his State House who could show the Makau Mutua’s the gates of Hell. In Africa we allow some malcontents of imperial fangs like Prof. Makau Mutua to divert us from real issues and take us negative rivers that have no sand to build a road in Africa.
- Besides same America Prof. Makau Mutua has always defended as a paragon of virtues defiled international law by going to war with Iraq in 2003, and committing mass crimes against humanity there that would shock even the devil Satan , I’m yet to mention Afghanistan where USA marines desecrated even the dead by urinating on them. Why hasn’t Makau Mutua said something about USA hegemony in those countries?
- I live in the United Kingdom where the good people have a flourishing democracy and allow views even when they touch on the same nation. When in 1998 the British Labour Government of Tony Blair erred on Zimbabwe I stood up single handedly and opposed the policy of sanctions and isolation of President Mugabe and Zimbabwe.
- But look at this, the same America has stood by Israel even when the Jewish state committed heinous crimes against Palestinians as documented by the Goldstone report, Human Rights Watch report, and Amnesty International report among others which include bizarre organ harvesting of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails among other macabre happenings. Yet, Prof. Makau Mutua still doesn’t see that a crime anywhere is a crime everywhere, and injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere even as he cries wolf in his overseas discomfort small room not worth a Professor of Law.
- In his book 1984, Novelist George Orwell notes “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” Thanks God Kenyans have become too intelligent to buy Makau’s perfidy clad sophistry—yes, the first duty of intelligent men George Orwell spoke about gave them the discerning ability to notice that the vulture had been bathed by Makau to look beautiful, but alas, the vulture was still vulture---still ugly vulture like Makau Mutua.
- If Prof. Makau lacks better ways of wasting his time, let him use his tongue to count his teeth. Kenya is too important and peace loving to swallow belligerence propaganda in any forms or foam. Kenyans and Africans are tired of his noxious cacophony —he can’t continue mourning more than the bereaved in a situation of ICC where he faked witnesses and coached them to fix President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto.
- If the low-don can’t change the tune of his message; preach peace, reconciliation and economic prosperity to the many despondent Kenyans and Africans working hard day and night to put food on their table or even fish investors to create opportunities to huge army of hopeless youths in this country to save them from wrath of economic injustice—let him continue wallowing at the junction of relevance.
- But may be Prof. Makau Mutua is an embodiment of Greek Sisyphus ensnared in the Sisyphean task of rolling the boulder up a hill. Sad, unlike the Greek Sisyphus, this new Sisyphus is doing this foolish errand for sadistic ego or probably a bowl of potage. Interesting times indeed, next time he should consult Robert Greene’s 33 strategies of war law number 8; Choose your battles; THE PERFECT POLITICAL STRATEGY. Till then he would harvest some wisdom from Kenny Rodgers Gambler song “You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run”
- Prof. Makau Mutua you will soon be on the run on ICC Kenyan cases. Chased by Kenyans themselves not this son of soil Matsanga from the Pearl of Africa who lives in the Diaspora and has never asked for sanctions against Uganda despite the imbalance of democracy in that Museveni good land. Prof. Makau Mutua might have mastered law degrees but when it comes to African strategy in international circles he will never, never, never, beat Matsanga and many other serious Pan Africans who defend this continent . The struggle continues!
Long Live Africa, Long Live Pan Africanism.
God bless Africa.
Dr. David Nyekorach- Matsanga.

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