Pan African Forum wishes to issue the following statement regarding the political maneuvers by SADC on Zimbabwe 31st July 2013 election date. The direct intervention by SADC to stifle another country’s judicial system must not be taken lightly by those who adhere to the rule of constitutionalism in Africa.
1. Pan African Forum welcomes and fully supports the pronouncement by the African Union Commission Chairperson Dr. Nkosanzana Dlamini - Zuma on the controversy surrounding Zimbabwe’s election date. Zimbabweans must be left alone to resolve issues of their election dates without outside interference. SADC has no role to second guess Zimbabwe's courts.
2. SADC's actions are tantamount to meddling into internal affairs of a member state that is coming out of woods from the violent route that MDC triggered on Zimbabwe. Mr. Tendai Biti, Morgan Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube called for violence and sanctions against the people of Zimbabwe and helped to kill millions of mothers, and children through economic blockade of Zimbabwe by Western Europe. Such actions loaded with imperial toxins have brought misery for the people of Zimbabwe and most parts of Africa.
3. Constitutionalism in Africa is at times thrown out of the window for the sake of political expediency like what MDC factions want for Zimbabwe. It is the mandate of constitutional Court to interpret matters that are contentious in nature. The interpretation of election time frames and dates are accordingly subjected scrutiny of the constitutional court of Zimbabwe not by the communiques issued by political settings. SADC can only advise but not supervise election roadmap of Zimbabwe. For SADC to shrink the constitution of a member country is interference of the highest level...
4. The shrinkage of constitutionalism in Africa is the danger that Africa has faced for over 50 years after the first independence, African opposition political parties only agree to constitutions when they favour them. They then shrink them as soon as they begin to bit their interests. The court in Zimbabwe did the right thing to interpret the constitution by declaring 31st July 2013 as the date when elections in Zimbabwe were to be held. The moribund GPA and all its functions over lived their usefulness. Lots of fatigue had crept in from the MDC mouth pieces that work on the timetables of their western masters.
5. It is wrong for any political organ like SADC in Africa to politicize elections in Zimbabwe when the judicial systems have interpreted that same matter clearly. It is true that from 29th june 2013 there will be no parliament, no Morgan Tsvangirai GPA, no Welshman Ncube who have been bankrolled by some western nations to strangulate Zimbabweans again.
6. Zimbabweans know very well that both mouth pieces (Morgan Tsvangirai and Prof. Welshman Ncube) trotted the globe to call for sanctions against the same Zimbabweans they now want purport to take to the so called promised land of honey. It is only President Mugabe who resisted sanctions against his people.
7. The same Head of state of Zimbabwe who happens to be President Mugabe who holds a key to the same constitution that SADC wants diluted will is the only person mandated by the constitution to declare the dates of the same elections not SADC or any amorphous bodies that trot the vast savannah grasslands of Africa multiplying conflicts in every country.
8. It is widely known that Mr. Morgan Tvsangirai had peddled rumors in Europe that President Mugabe would die in May 2013 and therefore mayhem would flow like river Zambezi in Zimbabwe after the supposedly departure of liberation Hero of Africa. Last year Morgan Tvsangirai visited all European capitals informing the people of Europe that President Mugabe would die in May 2013.
9. In France for example he was awarded the knighthood in the France legion after assuring the French government that he was going to win an election if President Mugabe was dead. Now that he has not died Mr. Tsvangirai has changed goal posts.
10. It is sad for Africans to wish others death when God has not recalled such leaders to Heaven. The truth behind this charade late elections call by Tsvangirai and other western sponsored sycophants in Zimbabwe is that they want to cause the Syrian style of crisis in Zimbabwe sponsored and bankrolled by the France mercenaries who have been planning for many years with the help of some countries in SADC.
11. Pan African Forum will stand shoulder by shoulder with patriotic Zimbabweans not traitors, quislings and turncoats like Morgan Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube who have dismembered Zimbabwe. Traitors in Africa are buried at night fall and we hope that the people of Zimbabwe will bury Morgan Tsvangirai's open zip policy that has killed one of our great nations in Africa.
Dr. David Nyekorach – Matsanga.
Chairman /CEO
Pan African Forum Ltd & Africa world Media Ltd
Surrey England
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